Friday, August 10, 2012

affliction- our greatest enemy...our biggest blessing.

how do we accept tribulation into our lives? how can we begin to understand that we should welcome it? 

honestly. it's not something the "world" teaches us. take the easy way out. keep it simple. run from difficulty. the world tells us we are "entitled" to a pain free life. 

i spent years attempting this, and of course, it was never attainable. i was always left unsatisfied, feeling sort of empty. i never understood. life, was meant to be easy. and enjoyable. wasn't it? what was i doing wrong? 

i remember the first time i ever truly began to spend time in Gods word. i was newly saved. i would pick and choose what i agreed with. 

some things i just couldn't fathom. how could people accept tribulation, pain, and heartache? in fact, how could they not only accept it, but INVITE it into their lives? 

it wasn't until a few life experiences that God began to reveal to me how He worked. He began to transform my heart, open my eyes, and speak to me. 

i spent plenty of time being angry with God. the funny part is, i brought most of my unhappiness on myself. 

i was choosing to live my life in certain ways. 

i let myself be influenced by people and began to live my life in an unhealthy way.

i woke up everyday and decided to feel angry, tell myself i was ugly, and be mean to everybody i encountered.

most of all, i blamed it all on a God- who i didn't even really believe in. 

it all really started coming together after i encountered the Lord for the first time. i began to fellowship with people who seemed to have similar pasts, like me. 

instead of feeling insecure and unworthy, i began to see that God will use ANYBODY, ANYTHING, and EVERYTHING He can...if you open your heart and let Him.

 okay, so i understood that Jesus suffered on a cross for us, but still, I wasn't so sure about inviting trouble and despair into MY life, willingly.

 Why would anybody do that? 

after a heartwrenching breakup that was long dragged out, i found myself on my face in worship

it was there that i discovered that my Father, alone, was the only one who could...

piece my broken mind back together, teach me His truths.

stitch the pieces of my heart back in His design.

restore my soul, fill it with His spirit. 

a little over a year ago i found a bible verse that was EXACTLY what i needed to hear. i was questioning the Lords will for my life. 

i knew he was using bad for good, transforming my life slowly. 

GENiSiS 50:20.

but i still was unsure of His promise to me. 

was there anyway he really could redeem my life? i needed to hear His words. 

i longed to have Him speak to me. 

and there it was, on the page right in front of me. 

Buried in His word. 

my life verse, sitting there before me.

"and after you have suffered a little while, the God of ALL grace, who has called you to His ETERNAL glory in CHRiST, will Himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you." 1 PETER 5:10

God had answered my prayer. 

i sat there, staring at the verse. How could God want His children to suffer? 

i began to look for every answer i could in the Bible. my greatest answer key. the book of Life. my Fathers word.

before i began reading, i asked the Holy Spirit to join me. i wanted complete focus. i prayed for a revelation.

what i received was the greatest revelation i've ever experienced.

i had been looking at my life the wrong way. 

i had experienced everything i had because it was Gods plan to turn my life around. yes, He had, all along, planned it every. step. of the way.

yes, you hear people say God can turn 

every MESS...

into a message.

every TEST...

into a testimony.

every trial...

into a triumph.

the truth.

God spoke to me that night and continues to speak to me every single night since then. 

"blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love Him." JAMES 1:12

i realized that at my weakest points in my life, the Almighty is the one who s u s t a i n s me. 

i have come to accept, believe, and stand on the FACT that He promises never to harm me, but to prosper me. 

it's easy to go with the motions and say this...but not really believe it. 

I have experienced some things in life that there are really no explanation for, except one. 

They are for somebody ELSE.

the Lord told me that night, reading 1Peter5:10, that my struggles would, not only make me a stronger, more refined, unbreakable CHiLD of GOD, but would help OTHERS find His strength, salvation, and story in themselves. 

you see, we all look to somebody we can relate to. iSN'T it easy to connect with someone who you feel comfortable with? 

"she's been there, she understands."

"he won't judge me, he was the same way." 

GREATER than that...

...pushing through adversity and coming out through the flames iNSPiRES others. 






it is POWER. 

it is a guarantee. 

available. ready. waiting. 

ANYTIME...we call upon IT.

we are FREE...

to find STRENGTH in the POWER of God.

shelter in the LOVE of GOD.

WiSDOM in the WORD of God.

answers in our PRAYERS to GOD.

when i started writing this, affliction was at an unrelenting peak. still is.

but the presence of the Holy spirit and the Word of my Father have spoken to me.

i often ask why. 

as humans, we all do. questions and curiousness fills us, everything inside us BEGS to know why. 

and sometimes, GOD answers. 

and sometimes, He doesn't. 

but not that long ago, I came to a realization. 

here i SAT, while every material thing in my life deteriorated around me...and HONESTLY, for the first time EVER in my life (and i mean, EVER) i didn't REACT with anger, panic, or fear.

instead, i turned to God and said, i don't know why, but I know I trust you and that YOU provide everything I need.

i then turned to the enemy, and told Him that EVERY spiritual attack in my life would NEVER turn me away from my God. that, just as in GENiSIS, what he intended for bad, God would use for good

a peace came over me. not one of UNDERSTANDING, but the opposite in fact. a SPiRiT of trust. 

Trust not in ANYTHING else but my Almighty father, the author of my FAITH, the sovereign One who controls it ALL. 

right on time, as He always works, I came across my daily devotional the day that my car broke down for the second time in 6 months. 

Sarah Young. such a powerful woman of the Lord. she is a MiGHTY blessing in many peoples lives and i am incredibly thankful for her wisdom and dedication to God. 

it's quite simple, but SO often, we forget. it's easy to forget. 

"understanding will NEVER bring you peace. That is why I have instructed you to trust in Me, not in your understanding. Human beings have a voracious appetite for trying to figure things out in order to gain a sense of mastery in their lives. BUT, the world presents you with an endless series of PROBLEMS. As soon as you master one, another one pops up to challenge you. The relief you anticipated is short lived. Soon, your mind is gearing up again: searching for understanding (mastery), instead of seeking Me (your master.)

second THESSALONiANS 3:16 says it in the perfect way:

"now, may the Lord of peace himself GIVE you peace at all times, and in EVERY way." 

every day, we make a CHOiCE. 

we can choose to let TRiBULATiON defeat us, or we can choose to CLAiM ViCTORY in every BATTLE we face.

do we always understand? NO. 

is there sadness? YES.

is it okay to feel it? 

Y E S.

is it simple to understand that Gods PLAN is the best plan and there is a REASON, a PURPOSE and a LESSON in every single thing we face? 


we are not created to understand. 

but our SAVIOR does. 








and if we BELieve IN THAT, 

WE hope for the future. 

WE set our minds on ETERNAL.

WE trust His plan. 

he brings us out of the FiRE...

step by step.

day by day.

minute by minute. 

HiS children. We are made for something greater. We are PURPOSED on purpose.

affliction: the devil wants it to be our GREATEST enemy.






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