Last Monday kicked off 21 days of prayer at Church of the Highlands.
in two years of attending HiGHLANDS and after a semester of HiGHLANDS COLLEGE under my belt, i had never attended this before.
i believe it was a divine appointment from the Lord (anybody who knows me knows i am crazy about Gods timing!)
going into full time Highlands College in just a few short weeks, leading a small group for the first time, i had been talking to the Holy Spirit about help in prayer.
not just helping me to pray more, but a prayer life where I would really be ENCOUNTERiNG God and speaking relationally to HiM.
praying for MiRACLES.
iN the power of HiS name.
ONE where i would, at all times, BOLDY approach my KiNGS throne and OPEN UP THE GATES OF HEAVEN WITH MY PRAYER!
a big desire for me, a girl who, thought prayer was the LAMEST thing ever before my CHRiST days.
it HURTS to say, but it was true.
in FACT, i believe three people prayed continuously for my salvation, and without those prayers, i honestly can say i'm not quite sure if i would be where i AM had it not been for those.
three E S S E N T i A L, BOLD, GOD SEEKING people praying for my SALVATION, praying me OUT of darkness, into His MARVELOUS light!
praying, and praying every minute, every day.
the first: my nana. {from the moment i was born. and is praying, without ceasing, every day.}
the second: my uncle Ken. {one post it note, praying over it DAILY, weeks before my salvation.}
the last: an ex boyfriend. {who has helped me more than he will ever care to know. who took a chance on a girl and prayed for my salvation. who brought me to church, bought me my first BiBLE, and lastly, prayed with me, for me, and rallied for others to pray for me as well.}
my view on prayer changed...well, in spite of sounding cliche, the day i realized it WORKED.
my uncle ken, a month after i moved down to alabama, approached me after a night filled with just ranting and anger and all of emotions spilling out everywhere. He spoke about the Lord here and there, but had never really pushed.
about to leave his house, he called me into His room. without any words, he simply pointed to a tall wooden Cross covered in post its, notecards, pieces of paper. He started talking and said just a few words:
"i'd like to pray for you. if you'd like to, write your name down on this notecard and i will pray over it every day. you can write whatever you want."
just as bold, i stared back into his eyes, empty, not knowing what to say. Nobody, had ever offered to pray for me before. In typical stubborn, earthly fashion, i looked back at him, puzzled, and asked, "WHY?"
"he looked back at me more puzzled than me if at all possible, and said, "i'd just like to."
he left the room and i sat there. a post it note in my hand, and a pen. i looked at the Cross. i read the 10 commandments next to it. puzzled, i sat there. i wasn't even sure i believed in God, what did i say? what was i supposed to say?
i didn't know. and then before i knew it, i scribbled down something, and my name, and walked out.
ny uncle Ken testifies that He didn't realize i had written my name down and pinned it up until several days later.
he says when he saw it, it drew him to tears.
more than a year later, my uncle showed up to our family reunion with two pictures:
one of the ten commandments, and the other...a picture of my post it note on the Cross- more than a year later and there it was:
*help me find my way in life.
seeing it, not ever knowing that i had written that was one of the most intense encounters with God i have ever had, an encounter that in that moment, changed my perspective on PRAYER, forever.
Not only does God hear prayers, but He ANSWERS!
STILL, i lacked a super emotional connection in my prayer life with the Lord, i longed to be so connected with HiM that i would pray without ceasing.
so i prayed about my prayer LiFE. i asked others to cover me as well.
i vowed to my closest friends for WiSDOM to teach to me some of their strengths, and for my strengths to be available to them, as well.
a great example of a prayer warrior is my friend stephanie.
she is a true, Godly example of somebody who prays without ceasing. Who knows God and is incredibly in tune with the Holy Spirit.
i wasn't sure what to expect on the start of the 21 days of prayer.
this first week and two days has EXCEEDED all of my expectations.
i am not a morning person. i need coffee. and more coffee. and coffee. i talked myself up that getting up at 5AM is the least that I could do for God, after ALL that he has done, given up, and has sacrificed for me...
Monday morning I arrive at Highlands. what i experienced is unlike anything i ever have.
the most incredible encounter with the Lord. praying out loud, walking around, words and scripture that i didn't even know i KNEW!
the power of the Holy Spirit came over me and i began to pray for things and people that i would never, consciously, on a day to day basis normally pray about.
and then, today, on day 5 of 21 days of prayer, a revelation hit.
Mark Pettus was speaking and said something that convicted me, and set a fire down in my soul.
"pray like you really believe it's going to happen. God is in the business of doing miracles and you have the authority, have the boldness to approach his throne and everything you ask for will be given to you!"
a wise child of God prays for GODS will on Earth as it is in Heaven. Not in vain. Not as a last resort.
the first thing they do, and the thing they do most often: PRAY!
these last few days have changed my life in a...well, in a simple, but quite complicated way.
anybody who knows me knows that divine appointments are my favorite. Gods timing is impeccable, it is incredible, it is breathtaking.
sunday morning, tommy barnett, matthew barnett from the dream center's father, came to speak at Highlands.
what happened there was a HOLY SPIRIT throw down inside of me.
Tommy began to speak on our needs and how God knows exactly what they are before we come to Him. He spoke about having the confidence to go to God with our greatest needs, no matter how weak it may make us seem. Finally, he said to really search inside of ourselves and tell God...and EXPECT him to answer!
in my head, i'm 50% there. prayer that first week began to change my heart and soften it for other people. it drew me closer to the Lord in worship, truth, and His word. for other people.
still, i wasn't submitting MY requests to God. Somehow, the enemy keeps a stronghold on the people in Gods kingdom and tells us lies that to pray for ourselves is SELFISH.
that's a lie i chose to believe for a long time. it trapped me in my own mind and confused me. honestly, i believed that it delayed many blessings and a closeness with God from me for a long time.
sunday morning, my heart began to weigh heavily and i felt a conviction inside from the Holy Spirit. something began to stir inside.
i began to argue with God, as i sometimes do.
i get fidgety and like to avoid topics when i'm uncomfortable. all of my friends and close family know this.
after my mother passed away, i buried how i felt, deep down inside. kept a smile on my face and kept life "light" because it's short. and you should enjoy it.
and that's true. but there is also a time, a time of seriousness, of quietness, of boldness, of honesty, and honor...that should be spent with God. and it should be spent DAILY.
i began to turn my head and ignore what was really going on inside of me. and here it was. here's the truth.
i'm terrified to go to God in prayer and ask for what i really need in my life. and what i
need in my life, is a miracle.
in my heart.
and then, the Holy Spirit convicted me and Pastor Tommy said, "nobody has a right to live in self pity when there is so much hurt in the world."
that was it for me. i lost control.
it's easy for the enemy to lie about selfish desires to pray for ourselves and present our needs to the Father....
but it is altogether different when we selfishly choose self pity.
"but God, NOBODY understands how i feel."
"I can never get over this."
"She's gone, and nothing can bring her back."
"I'm fine, I'm strong, I can do this on my own."
"Nothing can lift me out of this depression."
every single word of all of those is a LIE.
God brought a word to me on Sunday.
i cannot fulfill my GOD GiVEN purpose in this world until i submit to Him and come before Him with what i need. in prayer.
in honesty.
in faith.
in power.
in hope.
b a r e.
the truth is, God is in the business of working miracles. He is sovereign. He is healer. And He, makes good on His promises.
it's only been a week and two days.
and i have been wrecked by the Spirit more every day.
it isn't easy, it isn't fun, it isn't simple to throw ourselves at the Cross at our weakest and allow God to dig deep inside and clean us out.
To let Him cleanse us.
and honestly, it has taken some miraculous ways of the Lord to capture my attention and bring me to a place of constant prayer, solid trust, and unbreakable faith.
He has TAKEN everything from me, brought me to my knees to a place where trusting in HiM is the ONLY thing i have.
i stand in awe, i stand amazed, i learn more every day.
i grow closer to Him every day. i fall deeper and deeper in His presence and cling to the hope of restoration and healing in my life, in my heart, in my relationships.
and i have found this all in simple prayer.
the power of speaking to Him.
the name of Jesus.
the healing that comes.
the blood that covers.
i am incredible grateful for my relationship with Jesus. For my incredible Pastor and my Highlands Family. For my Highlands College family. For my family and friends, those saved and those unsaved. For everything that my God has provided, is providing, and promises to provide. For unbreakable faith. For this incredible journey of 21 days...and all that is stirring inside of my heart.
Until next time,
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